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Spiritual Journey


I am creating the life that I will enjoy.

Everything is going to work out for me.

With God/the universe by my side I can handle all challenges.

I will rise to the rop, one step at a time.

My best gift is that I am unique.

I let go of worries that drain my energy.

I move my focus to joyful and happy experiences.

Fear does not prevent me from growing.

I release anything blocking my spiritual growth.

My life is free of baggage and grudges.

I operate from a place of love and wholesness.

I am the boss of my life.

I am loved and worthy.

I believe in myself and my abilities.

I am brave, beautiful, bold, radiant and healthy.

I am fueled with energy and power.

I respect myself and love my body.

I am a divine spiritual being.

My flaws and mistakes make my pretty.

I trust myself and my skills.

The only approval I need is my own.

I do not have to be perfect to be powerful.

I deserve to have the best life possible.

I have boundaries and reinforce them.

I remove people from my life that do not respect them.

I am whole, healed and happy.

I attract abundance into my life with ease.

I am capable and worthy of reaching my dreams.

I have surrendered to God/the universe's will.

I have faith in God/the universe and trust.

I have patience in divine timing.

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