I have let go of thoughts, behaviours and attachments that no longer serve me.
I have activated my heart chakra and stepped into my power.
I am aligned with freedom and sovereignity.
I am easily creating the abundant life that I deserve.
Everywhere I go, I prosper.
Everything I do works out for me.
I welcome new energy, and I am attracting better.
I feel good about who I am.
I love myself and choose to be hopeful.
I believe in myself and are thriving in every way.
Things are happening for me now.
My life is full of miracles.
I make shift happen.
I am already blessed.
Everything is already working out in my favour.
I already have everything that I want.
I am a creative visionary.
Divine timing is on my side.
Life is unfolding beautifully for me.
I embrace the changes.
I create peace and happiness within myself.
I love who I am and who I am becoming.
The relationships I have now empower me.
I am no longer driven by old habits.
I heal more and more each day.
I release drama and trauma from the past.
It is up to me where I want to be in life.
I continue to show up for myself.
I surrender to the flow of change.
I love and forgive the old version of myself.
