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Self-Awareness and Self-Mastery.

You can achieve what you want in life when you stop believing that it is time, money, or circumstances that prevent your success, and you acknowledge and accept that you are your greatest obstacle. To move from where you are now, to where you want to be, begins with you when you change yourself on the inside, then the outside will fall into place.

Below are some life lessons that will help you if you apply them into your life but please be mindful of the fact that change takes time, so allow yourself all the time you need to grow.

Life can change in an instant, so be grateful for what you have and do whatever you can with it.

If you feel lost, do not worry about the past instead focus on the present moment.

Action breeds more clarity than thought, you cannot think your way into a new life, you must act your way into one.

If you want to change the trajectory of your life apply theses principles, commitment is what gets

you started, consistency is what gets you somewhere and persistence is what keeps you going.

We break down little by little day by day, in turn we build ourselves up little by little day by day because your habits define you, what you do today reflects who you will become tomorrow.

Journaling is the most timeless and priceless form of therapy that will help you think clearly, understand yourself better and help you make better sense of life.

Fear is not there to stop you; it is there to show you that you are interested and that you care. Do not fight fear, instead befriend fear because once you do something that scares you, it becomes almost insignificantly small the second time around.

Stay curious, question everything and if you want something ask for it, live with such an attitude and you will realise that when one door closes that another one will always open.

Keep an open mind and act like an artist but think and fail like a scientist so that you can recognise that your life is an experiment and that you will live your life without fear or regret.

Nobody cares what you do, everyone has got their own problems to deal with, so stop belittling yourself and start being yourself.

Money comes and money goes in life, but time only moves in one direction, all you have power and influence over is what you decide to do with the time that you are given today.

Be smart enough to ask for advice but be wise enough to know who to seek it from because their advice will be based on their perspective. So never ask someone for advice from someone if they have not already achieved what you aspire to achieve yourself.

The better you know yourself the more you can develop and express yourself, make wise choices and protect yourself against evil influences and manipulation.

If you want to master your inner self awareness and emotions, as well as transform the quality of your life experiences embrace a minimalist mindset; do not eat junk food; do not consume alcohol; do not smoke or take drugs; do not watch porn, news or video games; do not go on dating apps or social media, enjoy regular exercise and regular sleeping patterns – you will feel more content, have improved mental and physical health, more clarity and independence and are far more likely to achieve your goals.

It is thanks to my cat Comet hogging my bed on many occasions (day or night) when I want to use it, that I came to understand that we are our own obstacle and that everything we want is sitting on the other side of fear/our mindset.

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