according to licensed counsellor with a masters in marriage and family therapy.
1. What makes your partner laugh and cry?
2. What are they passionate about?
3. How did their family affect their growth?
4. What makes them mad?
5. Do they have spiritual beliefs and how do they affect their life choices?
6. What are their defining moments?
7. What is the most important to them?
8. How would they define success?
9. What kind of support do they need when they're stressed or sad?
10. What are they the most proud of about themselves?
11. What can instantly light them up inside?
12. How do they recharge their emotional batteries?
13. Do they have any known trauma responses or triggers?
14. What kind of support do they need if they're set off?
15. How do they prefer to receive criticism? As in, in the moment. Directly, or more tactfully and gently? Later on when they're open to discussion?