It does not matter what type of relationship you are dealing with (friendship or a romantic partnership or a connection with your family) it is best to let people do whatever they want to do. Do not ever try to control other people.
It is especially important to never do this with your romantic love interests. Let them do whatever they want to. You should only try to control what you have control over which is yourself.
If you try to control someone else, that is an indication that is an indication that it is probably someone that you would be better off not being in your life – especially when it comes to romance.
You can not demand respect in a relationship but if you allow a person to talk to whoever they want talk to and go wherever they want to and hang out with whoever they want to and they choose to use that freedom to go do something stupid to ruin the relationship then that is on them, and they are not the person that is suited to you.
I believe that the people that are in my corner on my tribe are people that I would not have to tell them how to respect me. I believe that my Divine life partner that the is meant to be by my side and be my life partner is not somebody that I would have to sit and watch and make sure does not go around disrespecting me and our relationship behind my back.
I have in the past and will continue to do so in the future show people that if you do disrespect me, then I do not want you if my life. You can leave and I will not chase you. I do not want you if you do not respect me, I love myself too much to waste my time and energy on people that disrespect me.
All relationships require work on both people’s part to make them work but there is a difference between putting in work and having to fight for a relationship.
For example:
A healthy relationship needs work if constant nurturing and attention otherwise it will die a slow death.
Fighting for a relationship is when people play mind games such as pretending to leave just to get you to chase after them; or they manipulate you to make you jealous; or they let their insecurities get the better of them and ghost you instead of being open and talking to you about how they are feeling so you can work on how you can help them feel secure – these are all signs of a toxic manipulator that just wants you to fight.
My advice is do not chase after people that want you to fight for a relationship it is an indication that they have unhealed wounds that they need to address on their own which need to be overcome before they can be in a healthy relationship with anyone.
If you believe that the person, is your soulmate or whatever label you want to assign to them then they will be worth the wait if it is meant to be but instead focus on yourself and your priorities.
Never tolerate disrespect or chase after someone.
If you must compete for their attention, then you do not need to be with them.
If you let people do whatever they want, they end you showing you exactly what they would rather do.
That can sometimes be a very lonely path to walk sometimes, once you take the leash off and throw it away you will notice lots of people go running. However, what you realise is that you are better off alone that to be with fake people and in fake relationships, fake connections, fake friendships with people that are using you or manipulating you because they view you as an option who were only connecting with you for their own personal gain.
It is much better to be alone and living authentically because when a true genuine connection comes into your life one that is pure with the one person that is a thousand times more fulfilling that those fake people, you will know in your gut that this is the person that you are supposed to live together in harmony with.