I was watching a US comedy TV show and that important question "why are we here on earth? came up.
In the show - the parents & grandparents didn't know exactly how to answer that question.
Below are my thoughts to this question.
We are here on this earth - so that we may be given the schooling, the experience and the tests that we need, to become the best versions of ouselves.
Our first purpose on earth is to receive a physical/mortal body - so that our spirit & physical body can be united together permanently in order to receive the fullness of joy.
Our second purpose is to gain experience with a physical, mortal world.
Our third purpose is to prove that even in the presence of evil and sin, that we can live a good life.
Our fourth purpose is share the gospel and live the law of the gospel.
When I think of schooling and experience, I often think of the words knowledge & education (learning/knowledge/experience has occurred for me in formal situations such as primary/secondary school & university, but also in my jobs, at home & in my community group (church)). Education for me is a preparation for life, not just how to make a living but building my personal integrity, developing sound values and a capacity & willingness to serve - which is best served by having roots in moral principles otherwise I have the potential to lose more than I could possibly gain.
The law of the gospel to me means embracing all the laws, principles and ordinances that are necessary for my exaltation. It is not enough for me to just accept these teachings but requires real activity & dedication on my part to the principles of righteousness.
I am grateful for what I do have, even simple things such as water, gas etc. This is important because I have been inclined to take my blessings for granted. I have received an abundance of material things beyond that enjoyed by many others and I realise this fact.
My thoughts about living a good life in the presence of evil and sin, are that most people do not intend to be dishonest or immoral. However, our character can be eroded by rationalisation, lies and compromises - so when temptation presents itself we might not have the strength of character to do what they know is right. This is a challenge everyone faces on a daily basis, because none of us is perfect. Hence, I am trying not to judge others and appreciate the good choices they make in their lives.
As I gain spiritual strength - I am experiencing more positive thinking, positive ideals, positive habits, positive attitudes and positive efforts. These qualities I hope will promote wisdom, physical & mental well being and enthusiastic acceptance & responses by others.
Success is not defined by how much money I made, how many shares I own or the house I own. It is the following.
1) Doing my duty for my home & my family.
2) Spreading/living the gospel and by being an example to others.
3) Providing for my family (food, clothing & shelter).
4) Being a responsible citizen.
How I do my work each day, my personal honesty, kindness & courtesy are the sum of my character which will determine my happiness and success in life.
Healthy foods (fruit, vegetables & grains in their natural state), proper rest and adequate exercise have helped me to tackle trials and be able to think clearly. It is easy to over indulge in each of these but it is important to keep the balance right. It helps when those you live with support you in the journey.