Heating and cooling (typically comprises about 40% of average household energy use)
Where possible, set to no more than 18-20°C for heating (20 is plenty) and no less
Dress for the temperature
Only heat or cool the rooms you need – close doors to unused rooms and use zoned heating or cooling if
Try a fan before switching on the air-conditioning in summer, and use ceiling fans in reverse in winter
Ensure heating and cooling systems are regularly cleaned and serviced in accordance with the
If possible, ensure that at least your ceiling is insulated
Stop air leaks
• Use sealing strips and door snakes to stop air leaks around doors and windows
• Locate and seal any gaps in floors, walls, chimneys, vents and ceilings
• Choose close-fitting curtains and blinds to keep heat in or out
Bathroom and laundry (typically comprises around 23% of average household energy use including
water heating)
Check for any leaking taps, especially hot water taps
Take shorter showers where practicable
Install water-efficient shower heads
Wash in cold water, spin thoroughly and dry clothes on a rack or outside instead of using the clothes dryer
Kitchen (typically comprises around 13% of average household energy use)
Set fridge to no colder than 4-5°C, and the freezer -15 to -18°C and minimise how often you open the doors
Ensure there is a sufficient air gap around the fridge as it helps it run more efficiently
When boiling the kettle, don’t fill it with more water than you need (it uses a lot of energy)
Don’t run your dishwasher unless it’s full
Entertainment and home office (typically comprises around 11% of the average household energy use)
Where possible, adjust settings on all devices to run in economy mode
Set to automatically switch to standby or sleep mode when not being actively used
Turn off at the power point when not in use
Lighting (typically comprises about 6% of average household energy use)
Try using natural light as much as possible
Turn off lights when you’re not in the room
If you only need a small amount of light, turn on a lamp instead of the main lights
Switch to LED globes, especially for those lights that your household uses the most