An important lesson to learn in life is that you have to love yourself and like your own company, otherwise you will be looking for others to complete you. You should be complete within.
Self Worth, Self Respect, Self-Confidence all have to come from within from your identity, affirmations, gratitude and your hobbies.
When we get into a relationship we need to be happy within and complete without a partner. A partner when we are blessed with one is meant to be a compliment to our life not to make us whole.
Sleeping in the same bed as someone else does not make you close to someone. Living in the same house as someone else does make you close to someone.
The only thing that makes you feel close to someone is when you can be open, when you feel seen heard and understood in your most vulnerable darkest times. If you can do that, everything else will work but if you can’t do that you can not just make it happen in a moment because you think you are meant to be together.
It is important to think can I have a conversation with that person, does the conversation flow?
Do they make me smile?
Do they make me laugh?
Can we talk openly?
Do they help me try to work on my issues to be my best self?
You don’t have to like the same things, hobbies, taste in music or movies as the person because you should be whole on your own (complete). Don’t overthink it.
In life we have to take risks, we need to have the courage to do so but we need to use our wisdom and have faith to make the right choices.