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Hidden Depression.

Depression is when we smile, but we want to cry.

Depression is when we talk, but we want to be quiet.

It is when we pretend we are happy, but we are not.

Depression is not always obvious.

Depressed people learn how to drown out their pain with drinking or drugs, but they learn how to swim.

They become sick of crying, tired of trying, smiling but inside are dying.

We think we know someone, yet we don't know them at all.

You never know who in your life is depressed, so please try to show love, kindness, compassion and empathy to everybody.

Make sure you spend quality time FACE to FACE with people, make sure you have TRUE FRIENDS.

Don't live for the approval of others.

Documents the moments your most in love with yourself.

Tell people you love them, be a trustworthy friend, tell them that they matter, tell them that they have survived alot and they are ready to thrive now.

People who care will ask how you are doing and if they really truely love you, they will wait till you tell the truth.

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